PhD thesis successfully defended
On 17th December 2015, our group member Patrick Harms successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Automated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees". Congratulations!
Start-up Funding for Postdoctoral Researchers for Steffen Herbold
We are happy to announce that Steffen Herbold received start-up funding from the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen for the preparation of further research proposals. The funding will be used to support the creation of a project proposal to be submitted to the DFG with the general topic of mining software repositories.
MIDAS Project part of EuroSTIA
The EU SHIP project, its Software Testing Innovation Alliance and the MIDAS EU project, of which our research group is a consortium member, announce the creation of the European Software Testing Innovation Alliance or EuroSTIA for short.The objective of this EuroAlliance is to bring together key actors in Europe on software testing in order to work together to improve innovation support and technology transfer from universities to companies in the area of software testing. This way we want to solve software testing problems, tackle challenges, remove barriers and execute projects that induce small-step change that has impact in research, in practice, in business, or in education. The final results being better software quality.More details are available at
No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 19.11.2015
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 19. November 2015. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan or studienberatung

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 05.11.2015
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 5th November, 2015. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan or studienberatung

TDL Launch Event at UCAAT 2015
Join us at the official TDL launch event taking place during the third ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT 2015) at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia-Antipolis between October 20-22. Philip Makedonski is giving a tutorial on TDL together with Xavier Zeitoun from CEA, and hosting a keynote with guest speakers from ETSI, Ericsson, VTT, MetaCase, CEA, Fraunhofer FOKUS, and Elvior. Diverse demos at the TDL booth will showcase the application of TDL in practical use cases. The conference also includes talks on numerous other topics related to automated testing and has established itself as a meeting point for testing experts from industry, academia, and standardisation.
Project Proposal for SWZ accepted
Our project proposal for "Numerisch intensive Simulationen auf einer integrierten Recheninfrastruktur" (numerically intensive simulations on an integrated computing infrastructure) has been accepted for funding in the context of the Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum (Simulation Science Center) Clausthal / Göttingen. We are looking forward to working in this context.
Jens Grabowski and Steffen Herbold elected as co-chairs for SAM 2016
Our group head Jens Grabowski and the substitutional head Steffen Herbold have been elected as co-chairs of the upcoming 9th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM) 2016. The conference will be co-located with 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 2016 which will take place from 2nd to 7th October 2016 in Saint-Malo, France.
No office hours of Prof. Grabowski
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 15th October, 2015. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan or studienberatung

Moved office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 03.09.2015
The office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 03.09.2015 are moved to the time slot of 10:00am to 12:00pm.
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