Poster presentation accepted for CHEP 2015
Our poster presentation "ATLAS user analysis on private cloud resources at GoeGrid" has been accepted at the 21st International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics in Okinawa. The poster presents the status of a collaborative work of members of our group with Prof. Arnulf Quadt and Dr. Jordi Nadal from the II. Institute of Physics in Göttingen.
Presentation at the 37th GI TAV meeting accepted
We are pleased to announce that a presentation co-authored by Martin Schneider from Fraunhofer Fokus, Berlin and Steffen Herbold on the combination of security testing and usage-based testing (Effizientere IT-Sicherheitstests mit Hilfe von Usage-based Testing) has been accepted at the 37th meeting of the GI TAV technical group.
Special Issue in STTT
Steffen Herbold is co-editor together with Andreas Hoffmann of a special issue of the Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT). The topic of the special issue will be "Model-based Testing on the Cloud" and disseminate scientific results of the MIDAS project.
Paper accepted for CLOUD COMPUTING 2015
Our paper "A Reliability Assessment Framework for Cloud Applications" has been accepted at the conference CLOUD COMPUTING 2015.
The paper is under the project Reliability Engineering for Cloud Computing Systems and Applications.
More details can be found here.
Overview of Examination Dates
The examination dates for the current semester are:
- Software-Technik I: 09.02.2015, 02:00pm s.t.
- Data Science and Big Data Analytics: 12.02.2015, 02:15pm s.t.
- Software Testing: 16.02.2015, 02:00pm s.t.
Extended Accreditation as ECDL Test Centre
With the end of 2014, our group has been reaccredited by the DLGI (Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Informatik) as a Test Centre for the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) certification programme.
Visit of the ICDM2014 in Shenzhen
Currently, the ICDM2014 (International Conference on Data Mining) in Shenzhen, China, is taking place. And as our paper "Software Process Simulation based on Mining Software Repositories" by Verena Honsel, Daniel Honsel, and Jens Grabowski has been accepted for this conference, Verena Honsel is currently in China for attending the conference. We wish her all the best for the presentation.
No office hours for Prof. Dr. Jens Grabowski on December 11th, 2014
The regular office ours for Prof. Dr. Jens Grabowski on Thursdays, from 8:30am to 10:00am are cancelled on December 11th, 2014. In urgent cases, please contact Dr. Henrik Brosenne.
Presentations of indian guest researchers
On Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 at 11:00 o'clock, our two indian guest researchers, Vikas Panthi and Subhrakanta Panda, will present the current state of their research and conclude a little about the results achieved during their stay. Vikas Panthi will talk about his work on model-based testing, Subhrakanta Panda will introduce his work on test case optimization and prioritization. The goal is to have an exchange with other PhD candiates of our group as well as other researchers and to get feedback about the work done. Furthermore, the focus of the their future work will be clarified.
Student library closed until 24th of November
The student library will stay closed until the 24th of November.
In urgent cases, please contact Fabian Glaser (Room: 2.113, fabian.glaser[at]
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group