
Workshop accepted at MUC 2024


We are pleased to announce that a workshop from our research group has been accepted at the Mensch und Computer 2024 conference. This year’s conference will take place from September 1st to 4th at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The accepted workshop is:

  • Improving UX Evaluation with AI-based Emotion Recognition by Carina Bieber, Patrick Harms, and Carolin Ebermann

Papers accepted at SAM 2024


We are pleased to announce that two papers from our research group have been accepted at the 16th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM 2024). This year’s conference will take place on September 23rd and 24th, co-located with the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2024) in Linz, Austria.

Our accepted papers are:

  • Exploring the Fundamentals of Mutations in Deep Neural Networks by Zaheed Ahmed and Philip Makedonski
  • AI-based User Emotion Recognition from Interaction Data: Challenges and Guidelines for Training Data Creation by Carina Bieber, Patrick Harms, Dominick Leppich, and Katrin Proschek

PhD thesis successfully defended

On 22nd March 2024, our group member Chathurangi Ishara Wickramasinghe successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Controlling Data Streams of IoT Devices in Smart Homes From User Perspective". Congratulations!

ETSI grant for AI Documentation project

We are delighted to announce that ETSI has approved our funding application for the AI Documentation project. This project will run for one year and aims to provide a harmonized documentation scheme for trustworthy AI. More details on the project can be found on the project homepage

Philip Makedonski re-elected as Chair of ETSI TC MTS

We are happy to announce that Dr. Philip Makedonski has been re-elected as chair of the Technical Committee Methods for Testing and Specification (TC MTS) at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) for the period of two years until January 2026.

Paper accepted by STVR Journal

We are happy to announce that our paper A New Perspective on the Competent Programmer Hypothesis Through the Reproduction of Real Faults with Repeated Mutations has been recently accepted by the Journal of Software: Testing, Verification and Reliability. Exploring the competent programmer hypothesis, this study examines the connection between mutation testing and real-world faults. By recreating faults through mutation chains, we assess the link's directness. Findings suggest validity of the competent programmer hypothesis yet highlight the need for important mutation operators to generate representative real-world faults.

Prof. Jens Grabowski will be chairing SAM 2024

Our group head Prof. Dr. Jens Grabowski will be chairing the upcoming 16th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM) 2024. The conference will be co-located with 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 2024 which will take place from 22nd to 27th September 2024 in Linz, Austria.

Presentations accepted by UCAAT 2023

We are glad to announce that the research proposals and results listed below got accepted for presentation at the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2023. The UCAAT is organized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

Paper accepted by SoSyM

We are happy to announce that our paper Scientific Workflow Execution in the Cloud using a Dynamic Runtime Model was recently accepted by the Software and Systems Modeling journal. In the paper, a runtime model approach for scientific workflows is presented that uses the Open Cloud Computing Interface standard to provision cloud infrastructure on demand. To investigate the feasibility of our approach, we modeled and performed three workflows which highlight the capabilities to parallelize workload and use a human-in-the-loop interacting with the workflow at runtime.

New Software Engineering Lab for 3D Applications

We are pleased to announce that our new software engineering lab is open. The new lab is equipped with virtual reality and additive manufacturing devices. These allow to explore software aspects for the 3-dimensional space no only virtual but also physical.

Among others, the lab will be used in the following projects and lectures:


2024 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group

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