
SIMULTECH 2021 Best Poster Award

We are happy to announce that our article "Simulating live cloud adaptations prior to a production deployment using a models at runtime approach" received the best poster award of the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021).

Paper accepted at SIMULTECH 2021

We are happy to announce that our paper "Simulating live cloud adaptations prior to a production deployment using a models at runtime approach" was accepted at the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies. The paper presents a models at runtime approach which allows DevOps to test and develop configuration management scripts, as well as cloud orchestration capabilities locally in a simulation environment.

SWE Group @ CHAOSScast

A couple of weeks ago, Steffen Herbold and Alexander Trautsch joined the CHAOSScast. The CHAOSS is a Linux Foundation project that works on measuring software and community health. We discussed our SmartSHARK project with the hosts, in which we collect and analyze data from software projects to study their evolution. Tune in to find out more about our currently ongoing research

Registered Report accepted at the MSR 2021

We are happy to announce that our study protocol Exploring the relationship between performance metrics and cost saving potential of defect prediction models was accepted at the registered reports track of the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2021. The protocol specifies how we want to study the relationship between machine learning performance metrics and the cost saving potential of defect prediction models. Our exploratory study received a Continuity Acceptance, which means that our study protocol is already peer reviewed. 

Paper published at the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling

We are happy to announce that our paper "Model-based cloud resource management with TOSCA and OCCI" was recently accepted and is now published in the Software and Systems Modeling journal. The paper is a joint work of our group members Fabian Korte, Johannes Erbel, and Jens Grabowski with the researchers Philippe Merle, Stéphanie Challita, and Faiez Zalila from INRIA. In the paper a model-driven orchestration process is presented that builds upon the TOSCA and OCCI standard. We defined a mapping between elements of both cloud description languages and find that both standards are complementary to each other.

JSS 2020 Best Paper Award

Our article Are Unit and Integration Test Definitions Still Valid for Modern Java Projects? An Empirical Study on Open-Source Projects received one of five best paper awards of the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). JSS received over 1000 submissions every year, which means that our article is considered by the editors as among the best 0.5% of submitted papers!

SWE Group @ Fuzzy Quality Podcast

A couple of weeks ago, Steffen Herbold and our M.Sc. student Tobias Haar were excited joined Adam Leon Smith on his Fuzzy Quality podcast. He found a preprint of our work on smoke testing for machine learning and wanted to discuss this with us and make our work more accessible for the software developer community. The result appeared in Wednesday's episode of the podcast. Tune in to find out more about or currently ongoing research.

New Practical Course on Agile Software Development

During the semester break, our research group will offer a new practical course on agile software development. In this course, students will learn about selected agile software development methods and practices and apply them in dedicated projects with the help of selected tools. The participants will be learning and applying their knowledge on three levels, including processes and practices, project-specific domain knowledge, implementation- and tool-specific aspects.Depending on the specific software projects, the students will get familiar with various state-of-the-art technologies and tools for software engineering and for the realisation of the specific project. The course will offer an insight into real-world software development, as well as other relevant aspects such as self learning, team work, and problem solving.

Three talks at ICSE 2021

We are happy to announce that we will present and discuss the key results of our recent publications at the International Conference on Software Engineering 2021 (ICSE 2021), the largest international annual conference on software engineering research with a regular attendance of more than 2000 researchers and practioners. The talks are about three journal papers that we recently published and cover a diverse set of topics, i.e., static analysis warnings, issue type prediction, and the costs of defect prediction. You can find the related publications below. 

Five talks at the SE 2021

We are happy to announce that we will present and discuss the key results of our recent publications at the Software Engineering 2021, the yearly conference on software engineering by the German chapter of the ACM (Gesellschaft für Informatik). The talks are about five journal papers that we published during the last year and cover a diverse set of topics, i.e., static analysis warnings, developer social networks, issue type prediction, differences between unit and integration tests, and defect prediction. You can find the related publications below. 


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