
Paper accepted at SAM 2019

We are happy to announce that our paper Facilitating the Co-Evolution of Standards and Models is accepted for presentation at the 11th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2019). The conference will take place on October the 3rd and 4th in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2019) in Munich, Germany.

Gastvortrag von Herrn Bergemann: "Softwareentwicklung bei der TNG"

Wir freuen uns das am 18.07.2019 um 10 Uhr (c.t.) im MN14 Herr Bergemann (TNG Technology Consulting) im Rahmen der Softwaretechnik I Vorlesung einen Vortrag über die Softwareentwicklung bei TNG halten wird. Dieser Vortrag bietet die Möglichkeit einen Einblick in die praktische Seite des Software Engineerings zu bekommen. Wir freuen uns auf ein zahlreiches Erscheinen.

Team of the Institute of Computer Science wins the Start-Up Competition of the University


A team from the Institue of Computer Science was able to win the "Lift-Off" start-up competition of the University of Goettingen in the category "start-up potentials". Our employees Ella Albrecht, Simone Münz, Fabian Trautsch, and Patrick Harms made the first place with their project "BarBQ". BarBQ is an app that lists bars, cafés, and restaurants from Göttingen and allows users to sort and filter them by different criteria, e.g., terrace, current happy hour, or accessibility. In the future, the app will support vouchers that can be published by bars within the app and bars will be able to send push notifications to announce special offers. "We are very proud, that we were able to convince the jury of our idea and its potential", said Ella Albrecht from the BarBQ team.

The team "Pandamask" got the second place for the development of a new smog mask. It protects the user from pollen, smog, and diseases, while it looks like a scarf. The audience award in the category "start-up potentials" was awarded to the project "Zatar - Kochen als Brücke", which was founded by the students initiative Enactus. Within this project, the students want to create a cooking magazine, featuring diverse recipes from refugees out of different countries, to initiate intercultural exchange.

Two presentations at bitkom

Our team member Patrick Harms was invited already twice this year for presenting parts of his research in meetings of the working group "Usability and User Experience" of bitkom. bitkom is one of the most important german associations of digital companies. It comprises over 2,600 partners, some of them acting as global players.The working group "Usability and User Experience" focusses on a broad variety of topics in the area of user interfaces and human-computer interaction. The presentations of Dr. Harms focused on the discrepancy between software development and usability engineering as well as the usage of Augmented and Virtual Reality for the evaluation of virtual prototypes of technical devices.

Gastvortrag von Herr Dipl.-Inf. Zimmer: "Softwareentwicklung bei der Debeka"

Wir freuen uns das am 06.06.2019 um 10 Uhr (c.t.) im MN14 Herr Zimmer (Debeka) im Rahmen der Softwaretechnik I Vorlesung einen Vortrag über die Softwareentwicklung bei der Debeka halten wird. Dieser Vortrag bietet die Möglichkeit einen Einblick in die praktische Seite des Software Engineerings zu bekommen. Zudem besteht die Möglichkeit Fragen bezüglich des Bewerbungsprozesses bei der Debeka zu stellen.

Gastvortrag "Softwareentwicklung bei der Debeka" - Verschoben

Der Gastvortrag von Herrn Zimmer und Herrn Zäck (Debeka) muss leider verschoben werden. Ein genauer Zeitpunkt für den Gastvortrag steht momentan noch nicht fest, wird aber frühzeitig bekannt gegeben. 

Paper accepted at INTERACT 2019

We are glad to announce that our paper "VR Interaction Modalities for the Evaluation of Technical Device Prototypes" has been accepted for publication at the 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019). The paper shows possible interaction methods in Virtual Reality that allow for a formative usability evaluations of virtual prototypes of technical devices.

Gastvortrag von Herr Dipl.-Inf. Zimmer und Herr M.A. Zäck (Debeka): "Softwareentwicklung bei der Debeka"

Wir freuen uns das am 25.04.2019 um 10 Uhr (c.t.) im MN14 Herr Zimmer und Herr Zäck (Debeka) im Rahmen der Softwaretechnik I Vorlesung einen Vortrag über die Softwareentwicklung bei der Debeka halten. Dieser Vortrag bietet die Möglichkeit einen Einblick in die praktische Seite des Software Engineerings zu bekommen. Zudem besteht die Möglichkeit Herrn Zäck Fragen bezüglich des Bewerbungsprozesses bei der Debeka zu stellen.

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 04.4.2019

There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on the 4th of April 2019. In urgent cases, please contact,

Paper accepted at SEAMS 2019

We are happy to announce that our paper OCCI-compliant, fully causal-connected architecture runtime models supporting sensor management was accepted for publication at the 14th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2019). The paper is a joint work of our group members Johannes Erbel and Jens Grabowski with the researchers Thomas Brand and Holger Giese from the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Germany and demonstrates an artifact to manage monitoring sensors using the OCCI standard and reflect their gathered monitoring results in an OCCI-compliant runtime model.


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