
Gastvortrag: Software Engineering Challenges of the H2020 DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture


Herr Prof. Dr. Helmut Neukirchen der University of Iceland wird am 07.11.2017 um 16:00 Uhr (c.t.) im Seminarraum 2.101 des Instituts für Informatik einen Vortrag über das H2020-Projekt DEEP-EST halten. Gäste sind herzlich willkommen.
Vortragstitel: Software Engineering Challenges of the H2020 DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture

Abstract: While Moore's law still gives as a doubling of the number of transistors in an integrated circuit every two years, this does not anymore yield as well an associated doubling of clock speed and performance per clock cycle every two years. Hence, the only way to speed-up nowadays computations is parallel processing. However, due to non-parallel overheads, parallel processing does not scale infinitely and the state-of-the-art High-Performance Computing (HPC) approach to achieve high processing speed are heterogeneousarchitectures, using accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or Many Integrated Cores (MIC) in addition to general purpose Central Processing Units (CPUs). Existing HPC codes however need to be rewritten to exploit the accelerators. This talks give a brief overview on the heterogeneous, Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA) of the European H2020 research project DEEP-EST (Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform – Extreme Scale Technologies) and the resulting Software Engineering challenges.

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 26.10.2017

There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 26. October 2017. In urgent cases, please contact or

Gastvortrag: Softwareentwicklung bei Mahr

Wir freuen uns das am 23.10.2017 um 10 Uhr (c.t.) im MN14 Herr Dr. Uwe Bünting (Leiter der Softwareentwicklung bei Mahr) einen Vortrag über die Softwareentwicklung bei Mahr hält. Dieser Vortrag bietet die Möglichkeit einen Einblick in die praktische Seite des Software Engineerings zu bekommen. Außerdem wird Herr Dr. Bünting auch für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen.

Later office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 19.10.2017

The office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 19.10.2017 will start later than usual at 9:00am.

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 07., 14., and 21.09.2017

There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 07., 14., and 21. September 2017. In urgent cases, please contact or

Comment article accepted by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

We are happy to announce that our article Comments on ScottKnottESD in response to “An Empirical Comparison of Model Validation Techniques for Defect Prediction Models” was accepted for publication by the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. The article discusses problems with the normality correction of the ScottKnottESD test. 

Paper accepted at Springer Empirical Software Engineering Journal


We are happy to announce that our paper "Addressing Problems with Replicability and Validity of Repository Mining Studies through a Smart Data Platform" was accepted for publication by Springer Empirical Software Engineering.  Within this article, four major problems in the state of practice of software repository mining that threaten the external validity of research results, i.e., the generalizability of drawn conclussions, are discussed. This article is an extension to our MSR publication.
The pre-print of the article is available online at Springer. A free view-only version of the article is available here.

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 03.08.2017

There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 03. August 2017. In urgent cases, please contact or

Paper accepted for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering


We are happy to announce that our paper A Comparative Study to Benchmark Cross-project Defect Prediction Approaches was accepted for publication by the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - the top journal for the field of software engineering. 
Within this article, we compared 24 approaches for cross-project defect prediction proposed between 2008 and 2015. Most of these approaches were never replicated or compared to each other before. Our suprising findings show that very little actual progress was made in the state of the the art since 2009, if we considered multiple performance metrics and data sets. 

The pre-print of the article is available in IEEE Xplore and thanks to the green open access policy of the IEEE on our homepage.

Journal First Presentation at the ICSME 2017

We are happy to announce that we will present the finding of our paper Global vs. local models for cross-project defect prediction at the 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). The presentation will be part of the Journal-First-Conference-Second track of the conference. 


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