No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 13.04.2017
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 13. April 2017. In urgent cases, please contact
studiendekan or
MINT-Award Informatik 2016
We are happy to announce, that the master thesis
A Platform for the Integration of Repository Mining and Software Analytics through Big Data Technologies by Fabian Trautsch was rewarded with the MINT-Award Informatik 2016. The reviewer awarded the thesis by Fabian Trautsch with an award for the best work of all submissions. The MINT-Award Informatik 2016 is awarded by the
MINT-Initiative Deutschland, which is a nationwide initiative that wants to contribute to a positive attitude to MINT professions in the public. In his thesis Fabian Trautsch describes the design and development of a platform, which incorporates the mining and the analysis of software projects and present it with an easy to use web interface to the researcher. Furthermore, the platform is designed as a general-purpose platform and uses different big data technologies and frameworks (e.g. Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop) to make an efficient and fast analysis of the mined data possible. Fabian Trautsch was collectively supervised by Dr. Steffen Herbold and Prof. Rieck (TU Braunschweig).
New STF for TTCN-3 Maintenance
The head of our group, Prof. Dr. Jens Grabowski, leads a new Specialist Task Force (STF) of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) for the maintenance of the Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN-3). This is already the 13th STF with this focus that Prof. Grabowski is part of. Details on the project can be found here: /research/further-development-and-maintenance-ttcn-3-stf-213-253-337-349-380-393-430-446-460-478-491.
Editorial in Springer's International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) published
Talks accepted for SimScience 2017
Position Paper accepted for CLOSER 2017
We are happy to announce that our position paper
Model Driven Cloud Orchestration by Combining TOSCA and OCCI is accepted for presentation at the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017). The paper proposes a mapping between TOSCA and OCCI and defines a model driven cloud orchestrator that utilizes both standards.
Best Industrial Paper Award at the SANER 2017
Paper accepted for the PhD Symposium of the ICST 2017
We are happy to announce that our paper Reflecting the Adoption of Software Testing Research in Open-Source Projects was accepted at the 10th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017). The paper presents a research idea to examine, if software testing research approaches are actually practiced in real open source software projects. Furthermore, the influence on the quality of the project shall be investigated.
Update 06.02.17: Fabian Trautsch received gratis registration to the conference and two workshops, plus a travel grant in the amount of $1000 USD for presenting his paper in Tokyo. The funds are available due to a generous grant from Google.
Keine Softwaretechnik Vorlesung am 30.01.17
Die Softwaretechnik Vorlesung am 30.01.2017 fällt aus. Ersatzweise bieten wir eine Fragestunde an. Studenten können gerne in der Vorlesungszeit in unser Büro kommen (2.113) um konkrete Fragen zur Vorlesung zu stellen. Wenn Sie Fragen haben senden Sie uns diese am besten per Mail rechtzeitig zu (
Office hours of Prof. Grabowski moved
The office hours of Prof. Grabowski are moved from 26. January 2017 to Friday, 27. January 2017, 11:00-12:30 o'clock.