Papers accepted at SAM 2016
We are proud to announce that the following papers written in our research group have been accepted for the 9th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM 2016). The conference will take place on October the 3rd and 4th in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2016) in Saint-Malo, France.
- Domain Model Optimized Deployment and Execution of Cloud Applications with TOSCA. Fabian Glaser.
- Evolving the ETSI Test Description Language. Philip Makedonski, Gusztav Adamis, Martti Käärik, Finn Kristoffersen and Xavier Zeitoun.
- Representativeness and Descriptiveness of Task Trees Generated from Website Usage Traces. Patrick Harms.
Best Poster Award at SIMULTECH 2016
We are proud to announce, that the poster presentation of our short paper Towards Multi-Level-Simulation using Dynamic Cloud Environments has been awarded with the Best Poster Award at the SIMULTECH 2016.
No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 21. and 28.07.2016
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 21. and 28. July 2016. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan or studienberatung

Office hours of Prof. Grabowski moved
The office hours of Prof. Grabowski are from 10:30-11:30 in Thursday this week.
Paper accepted at PROMISE 2016
We are happy to announce that our paper Hidden Markov Models for the Prediction of Developer Involvement Dynamics and Workload was accepted at the 12th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering (PROMISE 2016). PROMISE is an annual forum for researchers and practitioners to present, discuss and exchange ideas, results, expertise and experiences in construction and/or application of predictive models and data analytics in software engineering.
No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 07.07.2016
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 07. July 2016. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan or studienberatung

Presentation and tutorial accepted at the UCAAT 2016
We are glad to announce that our presentation proposal on "Experiences with Automated Field Usability Testing Using Generated Task Models" and our tutorial proposal "Testing and Domain-Specific Modelling with TDL" have been accepted for the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2016. The UCAAT is organized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
Paper accepted at ECML-PKDD's NECTAR Track
We are happy to announce that our paper Learning from Software Project Histories: Predictive Studies Based on Mining Software Repositories was accepted at the NECTAR Track of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD). The NECTAR Track offers researchers who apply machine learning in other sciences in their daily work to discuss their work the machine learning community.
Paper accepted at ESEM 2016
Our short paper on "Monitoring Software Quality by Means of Simulation Methods" was accepted at the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2016. The paper describes an agent-based simulation model for software processes that was retrieved by mining software repositories. The work was done in the context of our project on Assuring Software Quality by Means of Simulation Methods.
Paper accepted at SIMULTECH 2016
We are happy to announce that our paper Towards Multi-Level-Simulation using Dynamic Cloud Environments was accepted at the 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2016)
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