
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the MSR 2016

We are happy to announce that Fabian Trautsch, Steffen Herbold, Philip Makedonski, and Jens Grabowski won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for their paper "Adressing Problems with External Validity of Repository Mining Studies Through a Smart Data Platform" at the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). Within the paper, four major problems in the state of practice of software repository mining that threaten the external validity of research results, i.e., the generalizability of drawn conclussions, are discussed. The SmartSHARK smart data platform is proposed and evaluated as a potential solution. The smart data platform is an outcome of the Master thesis of Fabian Trautsch which was supervised by Steffen Herbold. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards can be awarded to the top 10% of technical full papers at high profile conferences sponsored by the ACM.

Kick off meeting for new SWZ project


We are happy to announce that the work in our project "Numerically Intensive Simulations on an Integrated Compute Infrastructure" was finally started by a kick off meeting with our project partners.

New STF for TTCN-3 Maintenance

The head of our group, Prof. Dr. Jens Grabowski, again joins a Specialist Task Force (STF) of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) for the maintenance of the Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN-3). This is already 12th STF with this focus that Prof. Grabowski is part of. Details on the project can be found here: /research/further-development-and-maintenance-ttcn-3-stf-213-253-337-349-380-393-430-446-460-478-491.

Shorter office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 21. April

The office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 21st April will last only from 08:30 to 09:30 am.

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 24.03.2016

There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 24. March 2016. In urgent cases, please contact or

SWZ project funding granted

In the context of the Simulation Science Center Clausthal / Göttingen (SWZ), our group applied for the funding of a project for "Agent-based Simulation Models for Supporting Quality Assurance in Software Projects". This funding was granted and allows us to continue our fruitful research on the overarching topic.

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 25.02.2016 and 03.03.2016

There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 25. February and 3. March, 2016. In urgent cases, please contact or

Presentation in SWZ lecture series


Often scientific simulations require more computational resources than locally available. While grid computing already offered on-demand access to large-scale distributed computing resources in the past, cloud computing is much more flexible since it offers the possibility to deploy the full hard- and software stack as desired. However, this increased flexibility also places an additional burden on scientists, who are willing to migrate their simulation applications to the cloud, since it requires a deep understanding of the cloud infrastructure and the related technologies. Therefore, our focus in scope of the project “A cloud-based software infrastructure for distributed simulation applications” is to identify the obstacles scientists face when moving their simulation applications to the cloud and develop a framework to simplify this process. The developed solution is based on the Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) and leverages domain-model knowledge of the scientist to scale the deployed simulation infrastructure.
Our group member Fabian Glaser will talk about results of this project in the context of the SWZ lecture series on Wednesday, March 9th 2016, Room 0.101, Institute for Computer Science, University of Göttingen, 3:30 pm, to which we kindly invite.

Paper accepted at EDUCON 2016

The paper "Towards a Framework for Mining Students’ Programming Assignments" written by Ella Albrecht and Jens Grabowski has been accepted for publication at the Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2016. The conference will take place on the 10-13 April 2016 in Abu Dhabi.


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