Presentations accepted for SimScience 2019
The following presentations with contributions by members of our group were accepted for the Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science: We are looking forward to a fruitful and stimulating workshop.
No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 14.2.2019
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 14. February 2019. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan, studienberatung

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 24.1.2019
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 24. January 2019. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan, studienberatung

Poster accepted for the PhD Symposium of the ICSE 2019
We are happy to announce that our paper Effects of Automated Static Analysis Tools: A Multidimensional View on Quality Evolution was accepted as a poster at the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2019). The paper presents an idea to study how static analysis is used in a software project and how its use influences software quality over time and in different parts of the project, i.e. tests.
Paper Accepted for Publication in TOCHI Journal
We are glad to announce that the paper Automated Usability Evaluation of Virtual Reality Applications by Patrick Harms has been accepted for publication in the renowned journal ACM Transaction on Computer-Human Interaction. This is the groups first publication in this journal and its content will be presented at one of the upcoming conferences of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI). The paper describes the application of our AutoQUEST tool suite in an automated evaluation of the usability of a virtual reality application. It shows, that such an automation is possible in principle, but that there is still room for further research.
HeKKSaGOn Webinar
Steffen Herbold will be giving a Webinar for the data science working group of the HeKKSaGOn university network on November 9th at 8:00 am. The title of the Webinar is "Introduction to Clustering" and you can find the abstract below. Please contact us if you are interested in joining.
Abstract: Clustering is one of the major techniques for unsupervised machine learning and deals with the identification of groups of related items within data. This can be used, e.g., for the segmentation of customers into groups, identification of related genes, or to detect similarities in images. Within this session, we will define clustering and explain how machine learning can be used to solve clustering problems.
Funding for research-oriented practical course of Patrick Harms
The University of Goettingen grants Patrick Harms funding for developing and conducting a research-oriented practical course. The funding is provided in the context of the Campus QPlus project. In the course, groups of 4-6 students shall work on small research projects. The research will take place in the context of usability and user experience of GUIs, AR, and VR. The project will be conducted in the summer term 2019. The experience gathered through the execution of this course may be of relevance for other research groups at the institute of computer science and other faculties of the university.
Article published in the Springer Software Quality Journal
We are happy to announce that our article Test Descriptions with ETSI TDL has been published in the Springer Software Quality Journal. Within this article, we discuss the latest language design enhancements and the mapping of TDL to TTCN-3, as well as results from pilot application cases in different ETSI standardisation efforts.
No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 11.10.2018 and 18.10.2018
There will be no office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 11. and 18. October 2018. In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan, studienberatung

No office hours of Prof. Grabowski on 13.09.2018, 20.09.2018 and 27.09.2018
In urgent cases, please contact studiendekan, studienberatung

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