
Registered Report accepted at the MSR

We are happy to announce that our study protocol Large-Scale Manual Validation of Bugfixing Changes has been accepted at the Registered Reports track of the 2020 IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2020). The protocol describes how we want to validate a large amount of bug fixing commits to create a new and detailed data set about bug fixing changes that can be used by researchers for different purposes, e.g., defect prediction, program repair, or bug localization. Our goal is to conduct this project together with the community and we invite other researchers to contribute. The protocol is already registered in the OSF Registry

Paper accepted at the ICSE Demo Track

We are happy to announce that our paper The SmartSHARK Ecosystem for Software Repository Mining was accepted for publication at the Demostrations Track of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering. The paper presents our SmartSHARK ecosystems that is comprised of tools for various software mining tasks, e.g., the scraping of data from the Git version control system, the Jira issue tracker, or mailing lists. SmartSHARK can also collect data the source code, e.g., software metrics, detected refactorings, or the types of changes. Additional tools in the ecosystem allow the application of heuristics and manual validation to further enrich the collected data. SmartSHARK exposes all data for analysis and visualization in a single database, that can be used by researchers to conduct experiments. The International Conference on Software Engineering is the most important conference in the field of software engineering and, together with the top journals in the field, one of the most reputable venues for research publications. 

Philip Makedonski elected as Vice-Chair of ETSI TC MTS

We are happy to announce that Dr. Philip Makedonski has been elected as vice-chair of the Technical Committee Methods for Testing and Specification (TC MTS) at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) for the period of two years until January 2022.

Paper accepted at the ICSE New Ideas Track

We are happy to announce that Steffen Herbold's paper With Registered Reports Towards Large Scale Data Curation was accepted for publication at the New Ideas and Emerging Results track of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering. The paper proposes an approach for crowd sourcing research tasks based on the concept behind Amazon's mechanical turk. The critical differences are that the research projects are in the form of pre-registered studies and that the motivation for the contribution to the crowd working is not monetary, but credit in the form of authorship. The International Conference on Software Engineering is the most important conference in the field of software engineering and, together with the top journals in the field, one of the most reputable venues for research publications. 

Happy Holidays! And best wishes for 2020

The software engineering for distributed systems group wishes everyone a joyous holiday season, Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year.

Paper accepted at the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

We are happy to announce the Steffen Herbold's article On the cost and profit of software defect prediction was accepted for publication by the IEEE Transactions on Software engineering. The article defines a cost model for software defect prediction. Based on the cost model, we derive required upper and lower boundaries that must be fulfilled in order for a defect prediction model to have any chance of saving costs. As part of the analysis of costs, we determined a systematic problem in nearly the complete body of literature of defect prediction: we ignore the n-to-m relationship between artifacts and defects and usually assume a 1-to-1 or 1-to-m relationship (binary labels, defect counts). However, costs of defect prediction models can vary a lot if the n-to-m relationship accounted for. 

Paper accepted for the Post-Proceedings of SimScience 2019


We are happy to announce that our paper, Dynamic Management of Multi-Level-Simulation Workflows in the Cloud
has been accepted for publication in the Post-Proceedings of the Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science 2019.
The papers present results of ongoing research projects in scope of the Multi-Level Simulation Project.

Representation at "Wissenswert - Science Goes City"

On 26. October 2019, our group member Patrick Harms with support of several students will represent our institute and research group at "Wissenswert - Science Goes City". This is a full day event organized in cooperation of the University of Goettingen and small businesses in the city center of Goettingen. Researchers from the university can present their work to the public using available spaces in shops and stores throughout the city. Patrick Harms will present his research on using Augmented and Virtual Reality for the evaluation of virtual prototypes. The location for this is the StartRaum, Friedrichstraße 3-4, between 12pm and 6pm. More details of the event are available at

Paper accepted at SIGCSE 2020


We are happy to announce that our paper Sometimes It's Just Sloppiness - Studying Students' Programming Errors and Misconceptions is accepted for presentation at the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2020). In this paper, we analyze students' solutions in an introductory C programming course to identify the most common errors made and classify them into the error categories syntactic, conceptual, strategic, sloppiness, misinterpretation, and domain.

Paper accepted at the Journal of Systems and Software


We are glad to announce that our paper "Are Unit and Integration Test Definitions Still Valid for Modern Java Projects? An Empirical Study on Open-Source Projects" has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Systems and Software. The paper shows that neither unit nor integration tests are better in detecting certain defect types and that the currently used definitions do not fit to the modern software development context.


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