Testing Grid Application Workflows Using TTCN-3
The collective and coordinated usage of distributed resources
for joint problem solutions within dynamic virtual
organizations can be realized with the Grid computing technology.
For distributing and solving a task, a Grid application
involves a complex workflow of dividing a task into
smaller sub-tasks, scheduling and submitting jobs for solving
those sub-tasks, and eventually collecting and combining
the results of the sub-tasks into a final result. The quality
assurance of Grid applications is a challenge due to the
highly distributed nature of the Grid environment in which
the Grid application is deployed. This paper investigates
the applicability of the Testing and Test Control Notation
(TTCN-3) for testing the workflows of distributed Grid applications.
To this aim, a case study has been created that
consists of a distributed Grid application which includes a
typical Grid application workflow; as the main contribution,
this case study contains a corresponding distributed
TTCN-3 test suite that tests the correct execution of the
Grid application workflow. To demonstrate the adaptation
of the abstract TTCN-3 test suite to a specific Grid environment,
corresponding reusable test adapters have been implemented
for the Grid middleware Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4).
The realized test system demonstrates that TTCN-3 is applicable
for testing the workflow of distributed Grid applications.
Document Type:
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2008)
Lillehammer, Norway
IEEE Computer Society
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group