Autolink - A Tool for the Automatic and Semi-Automatic Test Generation

Michael Schmitt, Beat Koch, Jens Grabowski, Dieter Hogrefe


Due to increasing interest in validation and test generation tools, Telelogic AB, Malmö, and the Institute for Telematics of the University of Lübeck have started a research and development project which aims at bringing new test generation facilities to the TAU tool set. For that purpose, a software component is developed which supports the automatic and semi-automatic generation of TTCN test suites based on SDL specifications and MSC test cases. The project follows a pragmatic approach and is driven by practical experience. AUTOLINK is currently used by the <em>Project Team 100</em> at the <em>European Telecommunications Standardisation Institute</em> (ETSI), where it has to prove its usefulness in everyday work.
Document Type: 
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG Technical Meeting on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems
Berlin, Germany
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group

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