An Introduction to the Test Design and Execution Language TTCN-3
The tutorial introduces to the test design and execution language Testing and Test Control Notation TTCN-3 and its application in an industrial project. TTCN-3 is the only standardized language that features direct language support for black-box testing of reactive, distributed real-time systems. It has been standardized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), also known for its GSM and UMTS standards, since 1999 and is supported by a number of independent tool providers. The TTCN-3 standard comes with a programming language-like textual core language, a graphical and tabular presentation format, and a standardized description of test interfaces to execute TTCN-3 test cases in a distributed environment.
The goals of the tutorial are:
<li>to introduce people inside and outside the telco domain to the beneficial concepts of black-box testing using TTCN-3,</li>
<li>to provide an overall view of the TTCN-3 language design principles, </li>
<li>to introduce to the concepts of the TTCN-3 language, </li>
<li> to give guidelines for the management of TTCN-3 test projects, and</li>
<li>to exemplify the application of TTCN-3 to testing of the ECMA standard for Computer-Supported Telephony Applications (CSTA).</li>
In addition, the tutorial provides an outlook to the next edition of TTCN-3 and describes the relationship between TTCN-3 and the newly standardized UML 2.0 Testing Profile.
More information on TTCN-3 can be found at <a href=""></a>.
Document Type:
15th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2004)
Saint-Malo/Rennes - France
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group