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Journal Articles
Jens Grabowski, Ekkart Rudolph, Michael SchmittDie Spezifikationssprachen MSC und SDL - Teil 1: Message Sequence Chart (MSC), Oldenbourg, 2001
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Peter Graubmann, Ekkart Rudolph, Jens GrabowskiComponent Interface Description Using HyperMSCs and Connectors, IEEE Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC'01), 2001
Paul Baker, Jens Grabowski, Ekkart Rudolph, Ina SchieferdeckerA Message Sequence Chart-profile for Graphical Test Specification, Development and Tracing, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference and Ex-position on Testing Computer Software, 2001
Jens Grabowski, Peter Graubmann, Ekkart RudolphHyperMSCs with Connectors for Advanced Visual System Modelling and Testing, SDL 2001: Meeting UML (Editors: R. Reed, J. Reed), 2001
Zhen Ru Dai, Jens Grabowski, Helmut NeukirchenReal-Time Test Specification with TTCN-3 (extended abstract), Proceedings of the Eleventh GI/ITG Technical Meeting on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems, 2001
Dieter Hogrefe, Beat Koch, Helmut NeukirchenSome Implications of MSC, SDL and TTCN Time Extensions for Computer-aided Test Generation, Proceedings of the 10th SDL-Forum, 2001
Technical Reports
Zhen Ru Dai, Jens Grabowski, Helmut NeukirchenTimedTTCN-3 -- A Real-time extension for TTCN-3, 2001
Ina Schieferdecker, Jens GrabowskiTesting of Distributed Systems: TTCN-3 and its Graphical Format, 2001
Jens Grabowski, Ina SchieferdeckerTTCN-3 and its MSC-based Graphical Presentation Format, Tutorial notes, 2001
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