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Articles in Conference Proceedings
Beat Koch, Jens Grabowski, Dieter Hogrefe, Michael SchmittAutolink - A Tool for Automatic Test Generation from SDL Specifications, Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Industrial Strength Formal Specification Techniques, 1998
Rudolf Scheurer, Jens Grabowski, Dieter HogrefeRevised Comparison of an Automatically Generated and a Manually Specified Test Suite for the B-ISDN Protocol SSCOP, Formale Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme, 1998
Jens Grabowski, Stefan HeymerFormal Methods and Conformance Testing - or - What are we testing anyway?, Formale Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme, 1998
Thomas Walter, Ina Schieferdecker, Jens GrabowskiTest Architectures for Distributed Systems - State of the Art and Beyond, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 11th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (IWTCS’98) , 1998
Michael Schmitt, Anders Ek, Jens Grabowski, Dieter Hogrefe, Beat KochAutolink - Putting SDL-based test generation into practice, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 11th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (IWTCS’98) , 1998
Jens Grabowski, Thomas WalterVisualisation of TTCN test cases by MSCs, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of the SDL Forum Society on SDL and MSC, 1998
Technical Reports
Stefan Heymer, Jens GrabowskiChemistry in Action: Discovering the Behaviour of a Network from Local Observations, 1998
Michael Schmitt, Beat Koch, Jens Grabowski, Dieter HogrefeAutolink - Putting formal test methods into practice, 1998
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