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Articles in Conference Proceedings
Jens Grabowski, Rudolf Scheurer, Zhen Ru Dai, Dieter HogrefeApplying SAMSTAG to the B-ISDN protocol SSCOP, IFIP TC6 10th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, 1997
Thomas Walter, Jens GrabowskiReal-time TTCN for testing real-time and multimedia systems, IFIP TC6 10th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, 1997
Anders Ek, Jens Grabowski, Dieter Hogrefe, Richard Jerome, Beat Koch, Michael SchmittTowards the Industrial Use of Validation Techniques and Automatic Test Generation Methods for SDL Specifications, Time for Testing - SDL, MSC and Trends, 1997
Stefan Heymer, Jens GrabowskiGenerating Test Cases for Infinite System Specifications, Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG Technical Meeting on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems, 1997
Michael Schmitt, Beat Koch, Jens Grabowski, Dieter HogrefeAutolink - A Tool for the Automatic and Semi-Automatic Test Generation, Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG Technical Meeting on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems, 1997
Thomas Walter, Jens GrabowskiTest Case Specification with Real-Time TTCN, Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG Technical Meeting on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems, 1997
Thomas Walter, Jens GrabowskiA Proposal for a Real-Time Extension of TTCN, Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, 1997
Technical Reports
Jens Grabowski, Rudolf Scheurer, Dieter HogrefeComparison of an Automatically Generated and a Manually Specified Abstract Test Suite for the B-ISDN Protocol SSCOP, 1997
Jens Grabowski, Rudolf Scheurer, Zhen Ru Dai, Dieter HogrefeApplying SAMSTAG to the B-ISDN Protocol SSCOP - Technical Description and TTCN Testsuite, 1997
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