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Articles in Conference Proceedings
Jens Grabowski, Thomas WalterTesting QoS Aspects in Multimedia Applications, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS), 1995
Ekkart Rudolph, Peter Graubmann, Jens GrabowskiMessage Sequence Chart: Composition Techniques versus OO-Techniques - 'Tema con Variazioni', MSC in CASE, 1995
Jens Grabowski, Dieter Hogrefe, Iwan Nussbaumer, Andreas SpichigerTest Case Specification Based on MSCs and ASN.1, MSC in CASE, 1995
Daniel Toggweiler, Jens Grabowski, Dieter HogrefePartial Order Simulation of SDL Specifications, MSC in CASE, 1995
Thomas Walter, Jens GrabowskiTowards the new Test Specification and Implementation Language 'Telcom TSL', Proceedings of the 5th GI/ITG technical meeting on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems, 1995
Jens Grabowski, Dieter Hogrefe, Iwan Nussbaumer, Andreas SpichigerCombining MSCs and Data Descriptions in order to Generate Executable Test Cases for ISDN Systems, Proceedings of the XV. International Switching Symposium (ISS '95), 1995
Ekkart Rudolph, Peter Graubmann, Jens GrabowskiTutorial on Message Sequence Charts, Tutorials of the 7th SDL Forum, 1995
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