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Journal Articles
Alexander Trautsch, Johannes Erbel, Steffen Herbold, Jens GrabowskiWhat really changes when developers intend to improve their source code: a commit-level study of static metric value and static analysis warning changes, Empirical Software Engineering, 2023
Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Benjamin Ledel, Alireza Aghamohammadi, Taher A. Ghaleb, Kuljit Kaur Chahal, Tim Bossenmaier, Bhaveet Nagaria, Philip Makedonski, Matin Nili Ahmadabadi, Kristof Szabados, Helge Spieker, Matej Madeja, Nathaniel Hoy, Valentina Lenarduzzi, Shangwen Wang, Gema Rodríguez-Pérez, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Roberto Verdecchia, Paramvir Singh, Yihao Qin, Debasish Chakroborti, Willard Davis, Vijay Walunj, Hongjun Wu, Diego Marcilio, Omar Alam, Abdullah Aldaeej, Idan Amit, Burak Turhan, Simon Eismann, Anna-Katharina Wickert, Ivano Malavolta, Matúš Sulír, Fatemeh Fard, Austin Z. Henley, Stratos Kourtzanidis, Eray Tuzun, Christoph Treude, Simin Maleki Shamasbi, Ivan Pashchenko, Marvin Wyrich, James Davis, Alexander Serebrenik, Ella Albrecht, Ethem Utku Aktas, Daniel Strüber, Johannes ErbelA fine-grained data set and analysis of tangling in bug fixing commits, Empirical Software Engineering, 2022
Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Fabian Trautsch, Benjamin LedelProblems with SZZ and features: An empirical study of the state of practice of defect prediction data collection, Empirical Software Engineering, 2022
Julian von der Mosel, Alexander Trautsch, Steffen HerboldOn the validity of pre-trained transformers for natural language processing in the software engineering domain, Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022
Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Fabian TrautschOn the Feasibility of Automated Prediction of Bug and Non-Bug Issues, Empirical Software Engineering, 2020
Alexander Trautsch, Steffen Herbold, Jens GrabowskiA Longitudinal Study of Static Analysis Warning Evolution and the Effects of PMD on Software Quality in Apache Open Source Projects, Empirical Software Engineering, 2020
Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Jens GrabowskiGlobal vs. local models for cross-project defect prediction, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 2017
Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Jens GrabowskiA Comparative Study to Benchmark Cross-project Defect Prediction Approaches, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2017
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Alexander Trautsch, Steffen HerboldPredicting issue types with seBERT, Proceedings 1st International Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE), 2022
Johannes Erbel, Alexander Trautsch, Jens GrabowskiSimulating live cloud adaptations prior to a production deployment using a models at runtime approach, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021), 2021
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