Requirements Engineering (SS2013)
Teaching Staff: Steffen Herbold, Jens Grabowski
This course teaches the basics as well as advanced concepts of requirements engineering. It includes the following topics:
- Requirements determination
- Requimenents specification
- Requirements documentation in natural lanuage
- Model-based requirements documentation
Organizational Issues:
The complete course consists of two parts:
- A lecture about requirements engineering with an exam at the end of the term (3 Credit Points). Details about the exam will given during the lecture.
- A seminar about advanced topics in requirements engineering (2 Credit Points). All participating students need to give a 20 minute presentation about an advanced requirements engineering topic. The topics will be assigned during the first meeting (date to be announced).
Together, they fulfill the module "M.Inf.1131.Mp: Vertiefung Softwaretechnik ". It is required to hear both the lecture and the seminar.
Announcements and course materials are distributed via Stud.IP!
- The lecture takes place on Thursdays at 16:15 in the Institute of Computer Science in room 1.101. The first meeting for the lecture is on April 18th.
- The seminar takes place on Mondays at 16:15 in the Institute of Computer Science in room 1.101. The first meeting of seminar is on April 22nd.
All students interested in this course need to participate in the first meeting of the seminar (date see above)!
Course Materials:
The course materials are published via Stud.IP.
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