Software Testing (WS2019)

Teaching Staff: Jens Grabowski, Ella Albrecht



The course imparts basic and extended knowledge in the context of Software-Testing. This covers the following aspects:

  • terminology
  • V-Model
  • black-box testing
  • white-box testing
  • static testing
  • dynamic testing
  • software metrics
  • test tools
  • test management

Course Structure

The course is offered in an inverted class room manner. The students will be provided with lecture material including slides, videos, and exercises. Afterwards, the students are asked to prepare the contents of the course self-responsibly. In the exercise slots, the topics will then be intensified. The attendance in the exercise slots taking place on Mondays, 14:15 - 15:45, is mandatory. Optionally, we will have an additional exercise session on Wednesday, 9:00-10:00.
The first exercise slot on October 21 will be used as introduction session. In this session, all required information will be provided. This will cover information about where to get required credentials and locations of the materials. We urge you to attend the introduction session, everyone who is missing will not be allowed to participate in the course. We also encourage students who are just on the waiting list in StudIP to attend the first session.

Dates, Modules, etc.

See UniVZ


This course targets advanced students. We recommend knowledge at least equivalent to the lecture Software-Engineering 1 as well as basic knowledge about programming.


For the course, no registration is required.

Course Materials

Please note: the material will be not available before the introduction session.
The course materials consist of a week plan, slides, videos, learn control questions, and exercises. Except the video material, everything will be provided in Stud.IP. If you have any questions, please contact Ella Albrecht.
The video material will be accessible via a dedicated system. The system will be available under the following URL: The credentials will be communicated in the introductional session.


Will be announced during the exercises.

Certified Tester

We plan to offer the opportunity to take the test for the Certified Tester (Foundation Level) of the International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) at the end of the term. Further details can be found here and will be announced during the introductional session and the exercises.

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