Requirements Engineering (SS2016)

Teaching Staff: Steffen Herbold, Fabian Korte


This course teaches the basics as well as advanced concepts of requirements engineering. It includes the following topics:

  • Requirements determination
  • Requirements specification
  • Requirements documentation in natural lanuage
  • Model-based requirements documentation

Organizational Issues:

The complete course consists of a 2 SWS lecture and a 1 SWS exercise. Successful participation in the exercise is the mandatory prequesite for participating in the final exam of the course.
The course implements the module "M.Inf.1153: Vertiefung Softwaretechnik: Requirements Engineering".
Announcements and course materials are distributed via Stud.IP!


  • The lecture takes place on Mondays at 14:15(s.t.) in the Institute of Computer Science in room 1.101. The first lecture takes place on Monday, April 18th.
  • The exercise takes place on Fridays at 14:15(s.t.) in the Institute of Computer Science in room 1.101. The exercise dates will be communicated via Stud.IP. The exercise is NOT weekly. 


You need to register for the exercise until the third lecture (date May 2nd). You need to pass the exercise in order to be allowed to participate in the exam. For registration, write an informal Email to Steffen Herbold.

Course Materials:

The course materials are published via Stud.IP.

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