Practical Course on Software Testing (WS2015)
Teaching Staff: Jens Grabowski, Steffen Herbold, Patrick Harms, Fabian Trautsch, Philip Makedonski
Practical Course
- Time, place, etc: 3-week block course from 14th to 23rd March and 31st March to 8th April 2016
- Module: M.Inf.1804: Praktikum Software-Qualitätssicherung (unbenotet) / Practical Course in Software Quality Assurance (not graded)
- Workload: 6 ECTS / 4SWH
- Language: English
- Registration: Registration for the course in Stud.IP is required in order to be able to access course materials and facilitate efficient course organization and coordination
- In the first week, it will be required to bring you own notebook
- Programming skills in Java will be required
Goals (from the module description)
Participants in the course should expect the following learning outcomes upon successful completion of the course:
- Learn to become acquainted with up-to-date methods and software tools for software quality assurance
- Learn to select methods and tools for given practical problems in software quality assurance
- Learn to apply methods and tools for given practical problems in software quality assurance
- Learn to assess methods and tools for given practical problems in software quality assurance by performing experiments
The Practical Course on Software Testing covers the following topics:
- Testing in different ways, assessing advantages and disadvantages of different approaches (manual, automated, model-based, etc.)
- Testing for different reasons (functionality, regression, conformance, interoperability, load, performance, etc.)
- Testing in at different levels (unit, component, integration, system, acceptance)
- Test automation and evaluation
- Continuous integration
For further information
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