Practical Course on Parallel Computing (SS2020, likely to be dropped)

Teaching Staff: Ramin Yahyapour, Jens Grabowski, Arnulf Quadt, Sven Bingert, Johannes Erbel, Alexander Trautsch, Christian Köhler, Gen Kawamura
Practical Course

Due to the current situation, this course is likely to be dropped in the summer semester 2020.

High performance computing is a very important topic in the scientific area. It allows to distribute work over parallel and multiple instances to reduce computational time and utilized available resource in the most efficient way. Within the practical course on parallel computing, different techniques and methods as well as specific parallel architectures are considered. Utilizing libraries that are specially implemented for parallel task distribution, the course shows how to parallelize applications. The following concepts and programming models related to the different parallel architectures will be considered:

Distributed memory architectures

    1. Cluster computing with Torque PBS
    2. Message Passing Interface (MPI)
    3. MapReduce
    4. Spark

Shared Memory architectures

    1. OpenMP
    2. Pthreads

Heterogeneous parallelism (GPU, CUDA, etc.)

    1. CUDA

The course is taught in English.

For questions and comments, please contact Johannes Erbel.

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